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6 Time Based Sled Workouts

6 Time Based Sled Workouts

Previous articles have focused primarily on workouts based on completing prescribed distances. This time, we’ll take a look at workouts based on prescribed time domains. Links to Previous Articles: 9 Conditioning Workouts for the Sled More Fun with Sleds Measuring…

More Fun with Sleds

More Fun with Sleds

October 13, 2017

  More Fun with Sleds Some sports (and professions) require athletes to switch quickly between strength-based and endurance-based tasks. One way to address this demand in training is to blur the lines between strength and conditioning. This can be accomplished…

The Pullover

The Pullover

October 3, 2017

The “Upper-Body Squat” The Pullover was the first machine that Arthur Jones built of what would become fitness giant “Nautilus Inc” (he sold the first one in 1970). He claimed that up until the point, it was impossible to isolate…

Playing with Paused Reps

Playing with Paused Reps

Paused Reps are exactly what they sound like: pick a lift, pick a position, and decide how long to pause. The addition of a brief pause is a simple and potent way to modify the stimulus created by an exercise…

Part I: Coaching the Republic

Part I: Coaching the Republic

“…true pilot must of necessity pay attention to the seasons, the heavens, the stars, the winds, and everything proper to the craft if he is to rule a ship.” (The Republic 6.488e). It is absurd to believe that almost 2,400…

Iron Athlete Weightlifting and CrossFit Coach August Schmidt

The Joy of Complexes

A complex is the combination of two or more different lifts in a single set. Complexes can be used for a variety of purposes and with many different modalities. The focus of this article will primarily be the use of…

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