The Pullover
The “Upper-Body Squat” The Pullover was the first machine that Arthur Jones built of what would become fitness giant “Nautilus Inc” (he sold the first one in 1970). He claimed that up until the point, it was impossible to isolate…
The “Upper-Body Squat” The Pullover was the first machine that Arthur Jones built of what would become fitness giant “Nautilus Inc” (he sold the first one in 1970). He claimed that up until the point, it was impossible to isolate…
What is HRV? What can it do? Heart Rate Variability, or HRV, is the difference in the time interval between one heartbeat and the next. One would assume that someone with a pulse of 60 would have exactly one second…
It is typically human nature to seek the path of least resistance. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance usually isn’t the most effective means of generating a potent stimulus. 1.5 reps can be an effective way to make training more…
One way of classifying lifts in the sport of weightlifting is to separate them into the following categories: 1. Primary Lifts: Snatch and Clean & Jerk 2. Assistance Lifts: Squats and Pulls 3. Auxiliary Exercises: Everything Else It is not…
Every specialty has areas of expertise that are fundamental their chosen pursuits. Bodybuilding has very different objectives than weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, or functional fitness, but bodybuilders do possess knowledge that can benefit us. In the early days of strength sports…
Athletes face a minefield of potential mistakes when it comes to choosing a training program. The following are several common errors made by motivated, ambitious athletes in regards to programming. These are “macro level” errors; in other words, these pitfalls…
Paused Reps are exactly what they sound like: pick a lift, pick a position, and decide how long to pause. The addition of a brief pause is a simple and potent way to modify the stimulus created by an exercise.…