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Pull-up Pyramids

Pull-up Pyramids

The Pull-up Pyramid is an effective method for building work capacity and strength in the upper body. I was introduced to pull-up pyramids by Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach Matt Morris. He developed the system and has used it successfully for decades. In the early 1990’s Coach Morris trained 3 x State Champion and future NCAA Wrestling Champion, Chris Bono. Pull-up Pyramids were a fixture in their training. Three days per week, their workouts included 320 pull-ups (yes, you read that right, 320). This method enabled them to complete nearly 1,000 pull-ups a week.

Here’s how the Pull-up Pyramid workout is done.

In the case that the rep scheme is:
3-5-8-5-3 (96 total pull-ups)

Alternate sets with one or two partners.
3 Pull-ups
3 Chin-ups
3 Commando Pull-ups Right Side
3 Commando Pull-ups Left Side
5 Pull-ups
5 Chin-ups
5 Commando Pull-ups Right Side
5 Commando Pull-ups Left Side
8 Pull-ups
8 Chin-ups
8 Commando Pull-ups Right Side
8 Commando Pull-ups Left Side
5 Pull-ups
5 Chin-ups
5 Commando Pull-ups Right Side
5 Commando Pull-ups Left Side
3 Pull-ups
3 Chin-ups
3 Commando Pull-ups Right Side
3 Commando Pull-ups Left Side

Pull-up Pyramids can be performed one to three times per week. This will vary depending on training history, recovery ability, and other training demands. In the case that you are doing other upper-body pulling work, it is advisable to perform pull-up pyramids one to two times per week.

Examples of rep schemes for the Pull-up Pyramid:
Week 1: 3-5-8-5-3 (96 reps)
Week 2: 3-5-8-10-8-5-3 (168 reps)
Week 3: 5-8-10-12-10-8-5 (236 reps)
Week 4: 5-10-15-10-5 (180 reps)
Week 5: 5-10-12-15-12-10-5 (276 reps)
Week 6: 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 (320 reps)

This is an aggressive progression, too aggressive for most people. Adjust the reps and total volume to a level that is appropriate for you.


A more moderate approach to Pull-up Pyramids

The previous example of the Pull-up Pyramid will prove too aggressive for many people. This limitation can be addressed by following rep schemes with lower rep counts. In some cases, it may be most effective to start with straights set of 1 rep and build from there.

Examples of lower rep schemes:
Week 1: 1-1-1 (12 reps)
Week 2: 1-1-1-1 (16 reps)
Week 3: 1-1-1-1-1 (20 reps)
Week 4: 1-2-1 (16 reps)
Week 5: 1-2-1-2-1 (28 reps)
Week 6: 1-2-3-2-1 (36 reps)

Be creative with your rep schemes. This is only limited by your imagination.


Variations of the Pull-up Pyramid

Straight Sets:
Straight sets of low reps can be less taxing and are an excellent way of building high quality movement and work capacity.

8 sets of 3 reps completed in 4 different styles (96 reps)

Another way that Straight Sets can be incorporated is to alternate between Pyramid workouts and Straight Set workouts. This allows for more varied stimuli and recovery from the higher rep workouts


Weighted Pyramid
Completed in the same format, with additional weight.

2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps)

Weighted pull-ups can be progressed by either increasing weight or reps. Increases should be small due to the amplified effect of the added weight.

Example of a weighted pull-up progression:
Week 1: 2-3-4-3-2 (with 25lbs)
Week 2: 2-3-4-3-2 (with 30lbs)
Week 3: 2-3-4-3-2 (with 35lbs)
Week 4: 2-3-4-3-2 (with 40lbs)
Week 5: 2-3-4-3-2 (with 45lbs)


Paired with Dips:
Complete a set of pull-ups followed immediately by a set of dips. You’ll be following the same format except with two exercises rather than one.

This is an effective means of developing a balanced and strong upper body. You will also develop increased work capacity due to the large amount of volume associated with these pyramids.


Mix the three methods:

Week 1
-Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 25lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 3-5-8-5-3 (96 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 8×3 (96 reps

Week 2
-Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 30lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 3-5-8-10-8-5-3 (168 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 10×3 (120 reps)

Week 3
-Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 35lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 5-8-10-12-10-8-5 (236 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 8×3 (96 reps)

Week 4
-Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 40lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 5-10-15-10-5 (180 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 8×3 (96 reps)

Week 5
-Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 40lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 5-10-12-15-12-10-5 (276 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 8×3 (96 reps)

Week 6
Day 1 Weighted Pull-up Pyramid 2-3-4-3-2 (56 reps at 45lbs)
-Day 2 Pull-up Pyramid 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 (320 reps)
-Day 3 Pull-up Straight Across 8×3 (96 reps)

This is an aggressive progression. The vast majority of people would be better served by fewer reps and/or lighter loads.

August Schmidt

-Bachelor of Science, Auburn University 1997
-Master of Education, Northern Arizona University 2005
-USA Weightlifting Club Coach 2001
-CrossFit Level 1 Instructor 2009
-USA Weightlifting National Coach 2012
-EVCF Regional Team Coach 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018
-EVCF CrossFit Games Team Coach 2014
-Coach CrossFit Games Masters Athlete (Bruce Briggs) 2018
-Masters National Record Holder: Snatch 130kg & Total 287kg (105kg 40-44)
-5 x American Masters Weightlifting Champion
-5 x American Masters – Best Lifter (2 x 35-39yrs, 3 x 40-44yrs)
-3 x Masters Nationals Weightlifting Runner-up
-President of Arizona Weightlifting Federation – LWC 48, 2016-current

Comments (2)

    1. Sid, the goal is to keep short rest periods between sets. In the article the recommended rest period is the time that it takes to alternate with one or two training partners.

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