The Skill of Acquiring Skills
They know enough who know how to learn ~Henry Adams Passive vs. Proactive We all have a choice to make: Will you choose to take responsibility for the process of acquiring new skills, or will you wait for someone to…
They know enough who know how to learn ~Henry Adams Passive vs. Proactive We all have a choice to make: Will you choose to take responsibility for the process of acquiring new skills, or will you wait for someone to…
The sled is a versatile and powerful tool. Sled training can be used to develop conditioning, speed, strength, and may even be used as a means of active recovery. This article will primarily focus on the sled as a conditioning…
The following is a description of how I’ve approached training for competitive weightlifting as a masters athlete. This approach has worked well during my late 30’s and early 40’s. At some point, it will need to be adjusted again in…
We talk about: Why CrossFit athletes need to start training STRONGMAN immediately. The value of continuing education for all athlete levels. The origins of East Valley, starting in August’s garage and moving into the CrossFit business model
In the fall of 2000, I moved to San Diego and became friends with Coach Burgener. Two years later, I relocated to Arizona, but stayed in touch with Coach. I don’t remember the year, but at some point he started…